viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

Hakuna Matata

When i was a child, my favourite movie was "The Lion King". Mufasa, Simba, Nala... all great personages, but not like the best of all: Timón and Pumba.

Why? A very short sentence says all: Hakuna Matata...

How would be life if we follows all the advices from the "hakuna matata" way of life? No preocupations, nothing about being worried of...

Well, if there were a guide to do it, I'm sure that all of us had already expent our money buying it. But not, there is no guide.

Thomas Moore wrote on the XVIth century the "Utopia": The story of an island where everything worked perfectly. Kings and citizens, mustards and slavers, merchants and artisans, all the people in peace. No one so rich, no one so poor... just perfectly fine...

Today, is really hard to think that our world could be like Utopia, but maybe if we start some changes from our selves (like Hakuna Matata), step by step our society could improve.

With this essay, I remembered to the brazilian people. The entire world knows them because of their happiness... Some years ago I know a little of them, and I had the impression that they haven't got a nervious system. All the day they laugh. With no excuses they celebrate, nothing can worry them. Money, good clothes, an enormous car... nothing of this is necessary for their happiness, a good day is every day, in every situation.

They have troubles, life doesn't goes very good always, but for them, first of all is Hakuna Matata.

The best world is inside of you. Take advantage of it and your world will be a little better!!!


A concert on the bus

Hello there!!

Today I had a really exciting trip from home to Universitiy.

There were a lot of cars, buses, red lights, a lot of people with sleepy face... and also, the very best music of all the times: It was perfect.

I live far away from downtown or University, but I don't hate, such as you could think, going out and get trips for even an hour. Everything changes when I put my phones on my ears with a very selected constelation of songs chosen the last night from my music. It's just unbelievable how life changes with an mp3. I don't like the modern ones, i just love mine. Is broken and is old... but I feel a great affection for it.

Sometimes I forget to put it in my bag... I hate those days!! Everything goes bad. Other days, the battery is off, that's even worst, because I have dreamed with the perfect trip and I finish having just a lost hour of my day.

Without my mp3... I don't know what would I do...