viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

A concert on the bus

Hello there!!

Today I had a really exciting trip from home to Universitiy.

There were a lot of cars, buses, red lights, a lot of people with sleepy face... and also, the very best music of all the times: It was perfect.

I live far away from downtown or University, but I don't hate, such as you could think, going out and get trips for even an hour. Everything changes when I put my phones on my ears with a very selected constelation of songs chosen the last night from my music. It's just unbelievable how life changes with an mp3. I don't like the modern ones, i just love mine. Is broken and is old... but I feel a great affection for it.

Sometimes I forget to put it in my bag... I hate those days!! Everything goes bad. Other days, the battery is off, that's even worst, because I have dreamed with the perfect trip and I finish having just a lost hour of my day.

Without my mp3... I don't know what would I do...

1 comentario:

  1. Nice! I know what you mean. I don't use my MP3 enough but when I do its like being in another world - a bit like a cool film! But sometimes I like to hear the other sounds like the buskers on the buses or the old people talking...It depends on my mood.

    A few mistakes - remember to use my not mi music! It is just unbelievable (line 8) and in my bag NOT on my bag...
