miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009

Teachers strike

Hello there!

In these days, teachers from everywhere in Chile are on stoppage. They demand to state to pay off a lot of money that they must have received a lot time ago, but the people in government doesn't want to listen them.

Is so unfair! Thay must work a lot every day with really low salaries, and the state doesn't give them what owns them. Even when the authorities has been saying that the strike has just a little support, the teachers from the entire country is today demanding for their rights.

Is sad that a lot of students can't go to school because nobody is going to teach them, but that isn't a excuse for the blackmail that the mass-media are doing against teachers. Nothing of this will be happening if the authorities had keeped the agreement about the payments that they promised at the beggining of the year.

The half of the teachers are today supporting the strike, demanding the pay of the "historic doubt" that means between $300.000 and $450.000 for teacher. Is terrible that in no television channel or big paper the subject has been tackled seriously, wit a real discussion about the problem that affect to such an important sector in Chile. This should be the news about this in TV or newspapers, and not just blaming to teachers for their demands.

With a lot of angry because of this, I say goodbye...

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

My politic opinion

The last year, my girlfriend forced me to register to vote. She said that if I was angry with politicians, one way to say it was by voting. Not so convinced, we went to the polling station and I registered in Santiago.
I voted for the last major elections and I nulled. I don't feel represented at all by the actual way of doing politic in Chile. I think that nobody really works for the people... well, almost nobody, the ones that really do, are never ellected.

In this president campaign, the thing get even worse. Who can nearly believe anything to any one of them? I'm sorry, but this subject makes me angry. I think that is very dificult, and it isn't so good that the people choose to other persons to decide for them. May be when it's about some subjects, for not such a big thing like a country, but a district o something like that.

Now, assuming that this is the situation, I think that a president must be someone really committed with the people, making enormous changes to the actual reality, taking care of the biggest problems in our society.
How I said, I don't like very much the way of doing politic in Chile, I could never be a president, a senator, not even a major! I like more to work directly with the people, but not imposing what I want to them, but I helping to do what they think is better for them.

Anyway, like in this blog I must answered a lot of thing that I wouldn't answer in other situation, if I have to choose a ministry for mi, it would be the treasury department. I think that the state has a lot of money, but it isn't well expended, so I would distribute resources where are most need. That is directly connected wit the biggest problem in Chile: Public transport, education, health, poverty and discrimination. Clearly this aren't troubles that can be fixed out with money, but with an entire politic in each matter... but we know that money helps... it always helps.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

A voluntary locked life

Portrait of Ben Gunn by a fellow prisoner.

A 14 years old, John Gunn, has a fight with a friend and kill him. He is condened to 10 years in a special prison made for youngs. Thirty years later, he is still in prison. Why?

John Gunn is the general secretary of the Association of prisoners, and he is fighting inside the prisoners with non-violent actions, against the abuse of power that the system make against them. He says that a 14 years old kid can not understand what means to kill someone. So, if that kid became an adult in prison, what kind of person leaves the jail and get into the society?
