viernes, 19 de junio de 2009

My ideal job

I recognize that I haven't work too much in my life... Just a few things like waiter or giving private lessons of history. Althought there were good experiences, I prefer to work in something more interesting... or a relax job (or boath).

When I think about my career, I see me in some years doing researching and stuffs like that. I like the idea, but I'm sure I will get bored whith the years. I prefer independents jobs, where I can manage my time and resources. To know a lot of people and places, to know differents cultures where I can give some of my experience and the people can do the same with me.
It's not a specific job, but I like a lot the idea of travelling for differents places, in Chile and other countris, specially around Latin America. I can do my job as a investigator there or anything else, it's not so important what I'm going to do as what I'm going to live and learn of the people.

So, my ideal job it's the one that let me do what I want more: to know different people and cultures. It can be anything, in my preference, as a sociology doing investigations and putting into practice good solutions to the differents troubles that comunities and the societies could have.

Maybe this, Maybe that...

It is strange to think about the future, it produces contradictions to me. Sometimes I get enthusiastic doing it, but others tunes I prefer not thinking very much about what is going to be of me in some mor years, for fear of compromising too much with certain projects and persons. Anyway, I have some ideas for the future that I will share with you.

My career lasts 5 years, and I am in the second one, so I expect already to be working at some interesting place. I would like to develop some independents projects, where I could have the money and the sufficient time to investigate areas where my vocational training will be useful.
I don't know if I'm going to have a girlfriend, maybe the same than now, maybe another one... or maybe no one. If she is going to be the same than now, we will be thinking about marriage.

I would like to be living alone or with some friends, but not at my parent's home. Is just that I want to have the possibility of organice my life by my own, my times, my order, my things.

Finally, I also want to do a master or something like that in a better university, out of Chile, in Europe will be great, but I don't know when exactly it's going to be. As you see, there is a lot of "maybe" in my words, that's because I'm not clear enough about my future, these are some of my intentions, but nobody knows how is my destiny going to be.

viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

The wall

In 1962, begginned one of the most controversial constructions in the human being history: The Berlin's Wall. This enormous line crossed all Berlin, separating Germany in two. The story is actually very known, but sometimes we don't think about the people who saw how their city was divided. In fact, one person did think about this: Henri Cartier-Bresson.

This french photographer catched the moment when two friends saw the image that we described some lines up. Can we even imagine how they felt?

The scene so spectacular as terrible was taken in Berlin in 1963, when the construction of the wall that was transforming into ghetto oriental Berlin had just began.

I think that, though the protagonists are of backs to the camera, the image says many things, they come many emotions and feelings to the mind when an image so impactante settles in front of our eyes...

The very best of the olds: Max Weber

In 1864, in the city of Erfurt borned one of the most important sociologists for the German discipline: Max Weber.

He studied in three different Universities: Heidelberg, Strasbourg and Berlin and already in 1895 obtained his doctoral thesis in laws. He dictated the chair of economic right and worked for the German government where he realized the research "The situation of the rural workers to the east of the Elba". Nevertheless, his ambitions were enormous, and he proposed to write one of the most important works for the nascent social thought: "The Protestant ethics and the spirit of the capitalism" (1903).

A great problem had Weber: his health. He was depressive and very weak physically. He suffered a sudden death in 1920 without finishing the books "Economy and Society" and "Economic general history".

I chose Weber, because of the classic sociologists (he more Durkheim and Marx) is the one that advanced more in the sociological thought, he did studies of different type and separated of the classic trends that up to this moment the discipline had taken. A lot of his works are considered up to today and, one century later still it has not been overcome in topics as the power or the domination.