viernes, 19 de junio de 2009

Maybe this, Maybe that...

It is strange to think about the future, it produces contradictions to me. Sometimes I get enthusiastic doing it, but others tunes I prefer not thinking very much about what is going to be of me in some mor years, for fear of compromising too much with certain projects and persons. Anyway, I have some ideas for the future that I will share with you.

My career lasts 5 years, and I am in the second one, so I expect already to be working at some interesting place. I would like to develop some independents projects, where I could have the money and the sufficient time to investigate areas where my vocational training will be useful.
I don't know if I'm going to have a girlfriend, maybe the same than now, maybe another one... or maybe no one. If she is going to be the same than now, we will be thinking about marriage.

I would like to be living alone or with some friends, but not at my parent's home. Is just that I want to have the possibility of organice my life by my own, my times, my order, my things.

Finally, I also want to do a master or something like that in a better university, out of Chile, in Europe will be great, but I don't know when exactly it's going to be. As you see, there is a lot of "maybe" in my words, that's because I'm not clear enough about my future, these are some of my intentions, but nobody knows how is my destiny going to be.

1 comentario:

  1. ok... i think that you're Fernando... the classmate of my girlfriend Catalina...
    well i have to tell you, that your english is very good, and long time ago i used to put inner matters on a blog, i've stop that cause it's more fun do crazy things and entertain certain kind of people...

    Greetings... By the way. Why your posts are published as CaTa?

    I Mean... she use your blog to post me?
    See ya!
