viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

The wall

In 1962, begginned one of the most controversial constructions in the human being history: The Berlin's Wall. This enormous line crossed all Berlin, separating Germany in two. The story is actually very known, but sometimes we don't think about the people who saw how their city was divided. In fact, one person did think about this: Henri Cartier-Bresson.

This french photographer catched the moment when two friends saw the image that we described some lines up. Can we even imagine how they felt?

The scene so spectacular as terrible was taken in Berlin in 1963, when the construction of the wall that was transforming into ghetto oriental Berlin had just began.

I think that, though the protagonists are of backs to the camera, the image says many things, they come many emotions and feelings to the mind when an image so impactante settles in front of our eyes...

1 comentario:

  1. Fernando,
    Yeah, imagine that one day you wake up to see that a wall dividing Chile into two has been set up overnight, and that many of your friends and relatives are on the other side of the wall...Terrifying, isn’t it?

    a) It’s high time you studied the past tense of verbs:
    (begginned)/( catched) : the past tense of ‘begin’ is ’began’ and the past t. of ‘catch’ is ‘caught’.

    b) (*began one of the most controversial ...)/ (*come many emotions and feelings to the mind): The usual word order is: SUBJECT + VERB + OBJECT+ THE MANNER OF THE ACTION + THE PLACE + THE TIME. Ex. He eats his breakfast in a hurry in the kitchen every morning.
    Can you correct your sentences now?

    The wall
    In 1962, (/) One of the most controversial constructions in (/) human being history BEGAN: The Berlin Wall. This enormous line crossed all Berlin, separating Germany in two. The story is (/) very WELL-known NOWADAYS, but sometimes we don't think about the people who saw how their city was divided. In fact, one person did think about this: Henri Cartier-Bresson.

    This french photographer caUGHT the moment when two friends saw the image that we described some lines up. Can we even imagine how they felt?

    The scene so spectacular as terrible was taken in Berlin in 1963, when the construction of the wall that was transforming oriental Berlin into A ghetto had just begUn.

    I think that, though the protagonists are (/) back(/) to BACK TO the camera, the image says many things, many emotions and feelings come to the mind when SUCH an SHOCKING image settles in front of our eyes...
