viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

The very best of the olds: Max Weber

In 1864, in the city of Erfurt borned one of the most important sociologists for the German discipline: Max Weber.

He studied in three different Universities: Heidelberg, Strasbourg and Berlin and already in 1895 obtained his doctoral thesis in laws. He dictated the chair of economic right and worked for the German government where he realized the research "The situation of the rural workers to the east of the Elba". Nevertheless, his ambitions were enormous, and he proposed to write one of the most important works for the nascent social thought: "The Protestant ethics and the spirit of the capitalism" (1903).

A great problem had Weber: his health. He was depressive and very weak physically. He suffered a sudden death in 1920 without finishing the books "Economy and Society" and "Economic general history".

I chose Weber, because of the classic sociologists (he more Durkheim and Marx) is the one that advanced more in the sociological thought, he did studies of different type and separated of the classic trends that up to this moment the discipline had taken. A lot of his works are considered up to today and, one century later still it has not been overcome in topics as the power or the domination.

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